Monday, August 04, 2008

Happy To Be....

I recently took C to the Jonas Brothers Concert. When we got home, I couldn't sleep b/c I was so very excited that I was healthy and able to take her. I wrote this email to my parents and sent this picture

Mom and Dad,
Here is a picture of Carly when the Jo Bros first took the stage. It was dark, but I hope you can see the look on her face. She was swinging her little light stick around. There are NO words to express just how very full of gratitude and happiness my heart felt when I got to see her like this. I just kept thinking how lucky I was to be able to be there with her. I feel that a lot these days. Since I am healthier and able to do more things. I will NEVER forget that feeling. I feel so fortunate......SO BLESSED

Friday, April 04, 2008

I Like Being Liked

When A new friend calls out of the blue for that first sometimes uncomfortable conversation, it always makes me so nervous. I guess I am backwards that way, but I get nervous about their conversation style as opposed to mine and if we will mesh. Anyway, My cousin is marrying a girl whom I JUST LOVE!!! She is super sweet, very artistic (she makes her own jewelry....what's not to like) She called me tonight about an email I sent last week asking people to keep C in their thoughts. She knew I was
having a bad week anyway b/c of seeing the eye specialist for cataracts and my routine follow up w/ my oncologist. All my news was good except for that bastard that hasn't had C call home. She asked me if I wanted to go with her to get fitted for her wedding dress! I teared up immediately (b/c I have the sickness) (My grandma would cry at commercials, movies, songs and say "I Have the Sickness") I am the exact same way. I cry over everything. Even things that make me happy! I was over the moon! SHE LIKES ME SHE REALLY LIKES ME!!! (And to boot I think she likes me better than the other cousins she is inheriting)! *pat pat* Just kidding....

but it is true! :)

Thursday, April 03, 2008


This has been a rough week. C has been on Vacation with her Dad on a Cruise to Mexico. He hasn't had her call me, I know what you are all thinking "No News is Good News" but it just isn't normal for her to go a day with out talking to me. I thought he would at least have her call when they got to port, but no such luck. I miss her like crazy and that lead me to this....

It was an accident....I saw a sign and thought it would cure my sadness. It may have but I think it is also further proof that I suffer not only from sadness, but complete and total Madness. INSANE I TELL YOU.....INSANE

Friday, March 28, 2008

"Nature. It's Closer Than You Think"-Carnival Cruise

This is exactly what I am afraid of.
I have been beside myself since last night around this time. Carly left with her f@ck...oh I mean Father today for a Carnival Cruise. I am freaking out. She is such a smart girl and it isn't her I am worried about it is him. He isn't the sharpest tack in the box, though he is very tacky. Ugh...Just needed to vent b/c I think it is going to be another sleepless/restless night. I wish I could be a little spy on the boat...You may think I am joking, but we almost booked me a ticket. Send good thoughts little Coo's way, so that she stays safe!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easy Silence is the Best Silence

This week started off great. We went to a couple's shower on Saturday for my cousin and his wife to be (WHO I LOVE!) which is where the picture was taken in the post below. Sunday Seth and I threw a Celebrate Life party, Well, to celebrate Life! My grandma just finished Radiation Treatments for uterine Cancer. She is doing pretty well now. The day after the party My grandpa and 2 of my cousins and My Aunt all got sick. Then My brother's 4 children were sick with fevers and stomach flu like symptoms just like my Grandpa, Aunt and Cousins. On Tuesday night I woke up with the same and felt just horrible. When Seth got home from Lexington that morning he brought me home from my parents where I was staying the night b/c they help me get Carly off in the morning to school when I am not feeling well. He takes such good care of me when I am sick. That day My grandpa was admitted to the hospital for a Bowel obstruction. They have since run some tests and his platelet count is extremely low. They are unsure what is going on and it will take more tests to determine. Thursday my brother's wife who was also sick with a fever had a OB appointment where they did a pelvic exam. When she got home she was bleeding and having back pain and was admitted to the hospital. They gave her some medicine to help the baby's lungs develop if she were to deliver and to try to keep her from going into labor. They did an ultrasound and the little guy is 3 lbs. He isn't due until the end of May. The medicine helped and she is no longer bleeding and has been released.
The other night Seth and I were in bed and I was crying about things. Questioning why so many things happen to some people while some seem to walk through life unscathed. Not that I wish anything bad on anyone. Sometimes Seth has a tendency to want to "fix" that are wrong with me, but not that night. He held me and let me cry. I heard a song that SO reminded me of that moment, and as soon as Seth is back from Lexington I will make him listen to it hee hee...he just LOVES when I do that!

Anyway Seth if you are reading this

"Answers only make more questions
I need something to believe in
Breathe in sanctuary in the
Easy silence that you make for me
It's okay when there's nothing more to say to me
And the peaceful quiet you create for me
And the way you keep the world at bay for me"

~Dixie Chicks

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I just thought this depicts us so well....I am off somewhere else, paying attention to something/someone else and Seth is always on point, ready to do whatever it is we set out to do (Take the pic in this instance) in the first place!