Friday, May 26, 2006


I have always thought that one of the best things about being here in America, is that we have the freedom to say what we want to, how we feel about something/someone. It seems though, that this doesn't really hold true. OR does it.....I am still thinking while writing this. When The Dixie Chicks said at a London Concert that they were embarrassed that George W was from their State of Texas, the backlash they received from that was terrible. From what I understand they received Death Threats and all sorts of boycotting and booing them...I guess I don't get it. One of the many perks of living here is our Freedom of speech, Yet they share an opinion and are chastised for it.....or is the chastising just another form a free speech....

I was sitting in the living room saying this aloud, and Seth said you should blog about that.....b/c I told him last night that I haven't blogged b/c I have nothing of interest to say.....And here I am blogging and I still don't know what it is I am trying to say. It pisses me off that they can't speak their mind w/o it being detrimental to their careers. On the other hand Boycotting is a sort of freedom of speech........I am so confused now, and Again I have nothing of importance or interest to say......Unsure why I started the blog back up, b/c I can't think of anything to talk about.

Sorry if there is anyone out there reading......I am a little boring lately


Anonymous said...

I see what you are saying. Seems like booing and boycotting would fall in there - but death threats is a different issue.
Glad you made another post - we had wondered where you went -

Seth said...

I had never given it a thought about the other side. The other side of the argument. I had jumped on the argument that they should be allowed to say what they want, and not face the criticism. While I honestly don't believe that the backlash they have received is just, I do believe now that those arguing against their point were only expressing their freedom of speech too.

Anonymous said...

I think the reaction they received for expressing their freedom of speech was extreme too, but not surprising. And I guess their critics were expressing their freedom of speech also. But with that said, I'll go on record saying that I'm HORRIFIED THAT W IS FROM MY HOMESTATE OF TEXAS! (I guess I just invited his goons to come get me, didn't I?) ;-)