Sunday, August 20, 2006


Sunday nights are typically depressing for me. I find myself irritable, and sad. I hate that it is the start of a new work week for everyone. I hate that I am not "normal" enough to work/hold a steady job. I start to get these useless feelings, but even more so now that School is starting back up for Car. I am always sad that Sunday night means when I wake up Seth wont be here. He will be back at work. For a while we would have a lot of arguments on Sundays. Then I realized, I wasn't mad at him, I was mad about the situation. At least when C is home during the summer, I feel somewhat useful, and like I am doing something. Like when I tell people "I am a stay at home mom" instead of "Eat Shit" (like I really WANT to) when they ask what I do....I truly am in the summer. I am staying at home and taking Care of my girl. During the school year I am just a Stay at Home. I wont lie though I could and say that I am a Homemaker. I do nothing for this home. My husband brings home the bacon and if it is to be served then he fries it as well. Occasionally I will make dinner. But I don't do all the household chores like I should. I have NO motivation to do anything during the school year. Anyway, just wanted to vent, to no one in particular....just wanted to get it out there. I would love to be a better person...with a purpose would be nice.

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