Saturday, February 02, 2008


I hate growing my hair out. I love the salon too much. I would go everyday, if I had enough money and time and hair. I have been trying to grow my hair out. I have a fuller face and I think it looks better longer. But short is SO much easier. Seth wants me to grow it....I know he does, though he would never admit to it. And sneakiness is trying to use reverse psychology on me as if I am 5 and saying, I knew you wouldn't grow it out, every time I say "I am sick of my hair, I want it cut" UGH!!!! I am SO OVER IT!!!!
YAY! My mom is taking me to see Wicked on Sunday!!!! I am excited!
I haven't written, b/c honestly I have nothing to say. So if you don't mind more of the same, i might try to be more consistent in updating my blog...

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