Thursday, June 21, 2007


Wow! It's been awhile.
I was just sitting here thinking about something that has been bothering me for a LONG time. I was watching a re-run on Soap Net of Beverly Hills 90210. And there Tori Spelling sits meeting a new girl and the first question she asks her is "what do you do"?
It seems to me that What you do is more important that who you are. Though I guess you wouldn't sit and ask someone, "So Maggie, Who are you ... really" hee hee. I understand that it is a conversation starter, I even understand that it is an easy dead space filler, but why is that the question. I am always feeling as if I have been stabbed in the gut everytime someone new asks me what I do. Well, I DO lots of things, just not what they are really getting at. What they want to know is what my JOB is. I instantly feel that I am not important when I have to respond, that I am a Stay at home Mom. I am sure this is just a problem inside of Me. But wouldn't it be nice to not define someone by what they do? Wouldn't it be nice instead to know what the person is about....
I have never been a good writer, things never sound as good when I put them to paper, or in this case screen as they do in my head. :) That is one of the reasons that I haven't been on in a LONG time, that and b/c I am a stay at home Mom who has her little girl home to take care of for Summer Break.


Itchy Fingers said...

I propose all conversations start with "So what color are your panties and why did you choose such a color?" Seriously though, I was just thinking this morning how great it was to have my mom actually raise me! No babysitters, no daycare, no key on a string around my neck. I think your job is MOST noble!! And you surely have an amazing kid to prove it!

Mags said...

I love this idea!
and thank you