Monday, January 01, 2007


I truly hope that this is a Happy Healthy Wonderful 2007 for my friends, family and me!

My brother is moving back from North Dakota. He and his wife are expecting their 4th baby any day. He was transfered to Wilmington Oh. We are excited for him to get home and I have been reminicing alot lately about him and things we used to do. I was the older sibling, and maybe because of this (who knows why I did half the things I did) I was always testing his loyalty to me. I would tell him I woudl DIE if he didn't help me back onto the couch (even though I was making myself fall off). Once I told him I would die if he didn't drink the Potion of Motion That I had made for him. It consisted of Water, I believe some milk, Every single spice in the spice rack, there was even a Bay Leaf floating on top. Matt always drank the potion of motion, always saved me from near death when I was falling off of the couch to the floor which was a whole Foot Fall...
Once I was going to die if he didn't get into the dryer. We had a dryer that you could sit in and rick yourself back and forth holding onto the spinners on the sides. It was fun. It was lots of Fun, until I closed him in and turned it on....I kept hearing his little yelps for HEEEEEEELp *BOOM BOOM* hhhheeeeeeeeelllllppppp *BOOM BOOM* that was him getting his heavy cotton dry cycle....I was afraid b/c I could figure out what button stopped the drying and the yelling and the *BOOM BOOM* sound. I tried to push the Permanent Press, the Fluffing.....IT CAME TO ME. Just open the door Maggie! So I did and my brother stumbled out a little dizzy a litte flushed by so BOUNTY FRESH.

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