Monday, March 06, 2006


Today I will go to see my Oncologist. I am sure everything is fine. It is just the thought of going that I hate. I hate that I am still on many prescriptions to keep me healthy. I am just so ready to be a NORMAL 29 year old. I have been doing this since I was 21. It just gets lonely where I am sometimes.
In good news though, this is the first time that I have EVER in all these years gone 3 months from visit to visit. The last time I saw him was in the begining of December, so that's cool. I am just not looking forward to it. Another thing I hate about it is going alone. Whle I don't need anyone to hold my hand anymore, as it is just a follow up visit, it is still frightening to go to a place where on 3 seperate occassions I have gotten REALLY bad news. Oh well, I'll Suck it up and go...fingers crossed.
Tomorrow is back to the Dentist for more fillings.....
This is a great start to a week.

I did end the note on a great note though! My friend had her baby! He is the cutest little (if you can call (11 lbs 2 oz little) thing! He has the chubbiest cheeks I have ever seen on a newborn! I just love him!

1 comment:

Heather B said...

I'll cross my fingers for you ... it will be alright!!!

That baby is gorgeous, sadly I am living proof that chubby cheeks dont always go away :)